Saturday, December 19, 2009

My dog has a rash and we tried a non soap shampoo we tried everything. His eyes are bloodshot could it be mold?

we just bought our house in march we have all been sick well allergy like symptoms and our dog has a rash and has been itching like crazy and so has my daughter and myself. His eyes are bloodshot and he is lethargic as well. Could we have mold or black mold?My dog has a rash and we tried a non soap shampoo we tried everything. His eyes are bloodshot could it be mold?
Hi Crystal,

Blood shot eyes are due to bleeding in the eye. They are not related to mould. Remember, the eyes are washed naturally with sterile tears once every twenty seconds. Please take your dog to your Vet. He is more sick than what you seem to be suggesting.

Good luck.My dog has a rash and we tried a non soap shampoo we tried everything. His eyes are bloodshot could it be mold?
Your dog could have allergies. Dogs often itch as an allergic reaction. I think you have a house with a lot of either, mold, dust and/or roaches. I think you need to take this seriously. Is their a mold clause in your purchase agreement? Can you return the house?

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