Monday, December 28, 2009

Can I wash my cats with just regular shampoo/dawn dish soap to get rid of a few fleas?

Regular shampoo is too harsh for cats - lots of chemicals that will strip off the oil of their coats, alter the fur's PH balance and might result in skin allergies and sensitivities.

Dawn Dish Soap can be use to only clean FLEA dirt but it does not kill the infestations nor the fleas.

Best best, go to your vet to get the correct remedy to kill fleas.Can I wash my cats with just regular shampoo/dawn dish soap to get rid of a few fleas?
This isn't exactly recommended. Cats have much more sensitive skin than we do, so it could cause them quite a bit of irritation. They also could have an allergic reaction. At least consult your vet before doing this(or a local pet store).Can I wash my cats with just regular shampoo/dawn dish soap to get rid of a few fleas?
NO! If u did that the fleas would still be there you need a chemical shampoo for fleas and ticks to kill any nest eggs as well as fleas and ticks
I don't think that would work best. Go to the vet and get frontline. That will kill the fleas and also any that are in you house too.
Dish soap kills fleas or gets it off of cats. So you can use dish soap. I use dish soap to wash my cat whenever he gos outside.
Sure. We always did. It might not get them all.

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